Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Mapping for it . . . .

This week was very information heavy. While being very fascinating and very informative it was a lot to take in. This week had a lot of input but had very little on the aspect of out put. I really wish that to go with all of the inspiration consisting of imagery, thoughts, ideas there was the output of what had inspired us.  Some thoughts that have been building throughout the informational research process that may inspire my mapping experience are the different images that appear when thinking of mapping my childhood. Thoughts of travel or moving, figments and moments that run like a broken slide show of my past in my mind. While listening doing the presentations I think I want to do a map, not mapping. It seemed to me that a map is more of how it’s going to be or has been as in it’s something that has already been created. Mapping on the other hand seems to me to be more of creating how you want it to be and developing something to come.

During the development and ideating stage I also did a lot of thinking on what isn’t being mapped or what isn’t already out there. In my life I remember always hearing my parents say that there is no handbook or map for parenting. There is no right or wrong or how-to. This also brought up the ideas of a lack of map for ones life and how to live and what’s to come. They say that life is what happens when you’re busy making other plans, well with a lack of map for life there is just life to live. That also is reflective and can be applied to relationships, friendships, and the heart. So for my mapping project I’m either going to look into matters of relationships, friendships and the heart or into my past.  I’m not really sure just yet, they’re just thoughts.


  1. Jessi,
    I feel you are an intuitive person, and this can be quite beneficial for an artist. As you didn't mention any specific ideas, my advice is to go with mapping of relations between people. It can be so interesting to discover new connections between different people by simple discussions or a little research. I feel like I heard some theory about how you can trace all around the world through the connections of just 6 people...I don't know exactly how that goes or if it's even true.

  2. thanks! i'm not 100% sure on what i'm gonna do just yet. Over the last few days i've been doing a lot of thinking and i'm thinking a series that maps the path of the heart and relationships that way.
